No. Name Reg.No. Degree Year of Graduation Title of the Research Email Supervisor
1 Mr.Dalapathadu K.A.P. PGIA-2012-152 Ph.D. 2023 Variation of health related physicochemical properties of different grades of made tea and in instant tea manufactured from broken mixed fanning grades from different tea growing regions of Sri Lanka Prof.N.A.A.S.P.Nissanka
Prof.Chamila Jayasinghe

3 Ms.Piratheepan S. PGIA-2012-83 M.Phill. 2019 Prevalence and economic impact of contagious pustular dermatitis and molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of contagious pustular dermatitis virus among goats in Sri Lanka. Prof.E.R.K. Perera

4 Ms.Priyadarshani P.L.S. PGIA-2012-2 Ph.D. Determination of Suitable Species Combination,Species ratio and Stocking size of Exotic Carp Species for Seasonal Tanks Located in Hambantota District

5 Ms.Francilen C.V. PGIA-2012-239 M.Phill. 2020 Diversity of holothurians (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in north- east coastal areas of Sri Lanka and determination of growth parameters of abundant species Prof.U.G.De A. Edirisinghe
Prof.S. Kuganathan

9 Ms.Ranasinghe C. PGIA-2012-419 Ph.D. 2022 Rhizobacteria induced systemic resistance in Carica papaya L. Var. Red Lady for management of Papaya Ringspot virus disease in Sri Lanka Prof.D.M. De Costa

10 Ms.Menike G.D.N. PGIA-2012-103 M.Phill. 2017 Molecular variations of viruses infecting chilli (capsicum annum L.) and tomato (Solanam lycopersicum L.) and insect vectors involved with virus transmission in different agroecological zones of Sri Lanka Prof.K.S. Hemachandra

11 Ms.Jayaweera J.K.P.T.P. PGIA-2012-246 M.Phill. Genomic and Proteomic approaches of identifying dehydration stress responsive genes from selected rice varieties in Sri Lanka
Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath

12 Mr.Priyantha W.S. PGIA-2012-64 M.Phill. 2019 Identification of better parents via combining ability to develop heterotic rice hybrid (Oryza sativa L.) Prof.V.A. Sumanasinghe

13 Ms.Ravipan S. PGIA-2012-384 Ph.D. Income inequality and economic growth of Thailand Prof.C. Bogahawatte

15 Ms.Kumari G.G.K.P.S. PGIA-2012-258 M.Phill. 2020 Aerated soaking in cold soaking of paddy and testing of a bio-tower for treating low strength effluent Prof.D.A.N. Dharmasena

16 Mr.Prabhaharan M. PGIA-2012-136 Ph.D. Post harvest processing of paddy grain to obtain quality parboiled rice to meet high consumer demand,jaffna Sri lanka

17 Ms.Fawmiya M.S.S. PGIA-2012-198 Ph.D. Evaluation of the theraputic and nutritional potential of Dry Leaves of Moringa oleifera with special reference to its usage in the management of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in adolescents (13-19 years) Prof.(Ms.) B.E.P. Mendis

18 Ms.Hettiarachchi H.A.P.W. PGIA-2012-45 M.Phill. 2018 Analysis of the rice grain quality characters of selected rice germplasm in Sri Lanka Dr.B.D.R. Prasantha
Dr.(Ms.) D.V. Jayathilake

19 Ms.Kumari K.D.D. PGIA-2012-21 Ph.D. 2018 Bioactivities of millet grain phenolic compounds their bioaccessibility and bioavailability as affected by different food processing and preparation methods Dr.G.A.P. Chandrasekara.
Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith

20 Ms.Subajiny V. PGIA-2012-170 M.Phill. 2017 Enzymatic Interesterification of Sesame and coconut oils to produce nutritionally superior oils and evaluation of their oxidative stability Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith

21 Mr.Mallawaarachchi J.P.N. PGIA-2012-276 M.Phill. Role of Development Communication in strength ening good Governance and public

22 Ms.Wijethilaka L.D.I.De.S. PGIA-2012-20 M.Phill. 2019 Dairy value chain analysis in the Uva province of Sri Lanka Dr.Saliya De Silva
Prof.R.M.C. Deshapriya

23 Ms.Chandrasiri R.P.S.P. PGIA-2012-297 M.Phill. 2016 Assessment of water management on Sustainability of paddy cultivation under variable rainfall in Bayawa, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka. Dr.L.W. Galagedara

25 Ms.Dissanayake D.M.P.D. PGIA-2012-222 M.Sc. 2017 Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission form six rice varieties as governed by soil microbial communicaties,rhizosphere characteristice and agronomic practices Prof.(Ms.) R.M.Chandi.P.Rajapakse

26 Ms.Thilakarathna E.M.S.K. PGIA-2012-359 M.Phill. Spatial inventory of soil quality in vegetable and paddy lands through proximal soil sensing Prof.W.A.U. Vitharana
Prof.Ann Verdoodt

27 Ms.Thusyanthi S. PGIA-2012-15 M.Phill. 2016 Impact of rainfall variability on soil organic matter and nitrogen in Lowland Paddy Field: A Case study in Bayawa minor irrigation system Prof.M.I.M.Mowjood
Dr.L.W. Galagedara

29 Ms.Wijayawardhana H.C.D. PGIA-2012-318 M.Phill. 2017 Evaluation of cadmium response and the immobilization of cadmium by the use of organic amendments in rice Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath
Prof.P.A Weerasinghe

30 Mr.Weerasooriya G.V.T.V. PGIA-2012-12 Ph.D. 2020 Design Development and Evaluation of a power weeder for Row-planted paddy Dr.D.N. Jayatissa

31 Ms.Weerasekara M.K. PGIA-2012-304 MBA 2018 Determinants of entrepreneurial intention among undergraduates in Sri Lanka Dr.M.W.A.P Jayathilaka.

32 Mr.Dayananda T.M.K.W. PGIA-2012-338 MBA 2020 Purchasing intention and consumer behaviour towards The domestic rooftop solar photovoltaic installation Prof.D.V.P. Prasada
Dr.Sarath S. Kodithuwakku

35 Mr.Herath H.M.R.P.B. PGIA-2012-325 MBA 2018 Factors influencing an individuals behavioral intention to adopt an online utility bill payment systems Dr.S. Kumar

38 Ms.Ruwanpitiya C.P. PGIA-2012-336 MBA 2018 Economic and Social impact of the agriculture cyber extension unit Prof.H.L.J. Weerahewa

40 Ms.Mahawatta S.M. PGIA-2012-302 MBA 2018 Critical HRM key result areas for effective knowledge sharing in an organization:An empirical study Mr.N. Agilan

41 Mr.Wijesekara R.R.P. PGIA-2012-340 MBA 2020 An assessment of service quality in the banking sector as perceived by customers and service providers Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

42 Mr.Abeysekara B.A.S.P. PGIA-2012-326 MBA 2017 Impact of entrepreneurial orientation to the business performance of small and medium sized information and communications technology enterprises in Sri Lanka

43 Mr.Herath H.M.R.K. PGIA-2012-332 MBA Identification of extrinsie factors influencing job turn over of blue collar workers in the Sri Lankan apparel industry Dr.S. Kumar

46 Mr.Niroshan S.R. PGIA-2012-346 MBA 2020 The factors influencing customer retention in commercial banks in Kurunagala town Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne
Dr.Sarath S. Kodithuwakku

47 Ms.Manodara D.K. PGIA-2012-305 MBA 2017 Effects of online versus offline career exploration methods in management students confidence regarding career outcomes

51 Ms.Adikari A.M.N.T. PGIA-2012-194 Ph.D. 2024 Impact of printed dietary guideline booklets on natritional status of pregnant woman and infants in Sri Lanka Prof.R. Sivakanesan
Prof.chandrani Liyanage

52 Mr.Senanayake R.L. PGIA-2012-342 Ph.D. Integrated nautrient management for sustained tuber production in water Yam (Dioscorea alata) Prof.U.R. Sangakkara

55 Ms.Wijenandana K.K. PGIA-2012-373 MBA Impact of destination attraction on tourists motivation to travel to Sri Lanka Mr.N. Agilan

56 Ms.Rebeira S.P. PGIA-2012-386 Ph.D. Analysis of the diversity of eating and cooking qualities and nutritionally important starch fraction of representative germplasm of rice in Sri Lanka Dr.(Ms.) H.A.M. Wickramasinghe
Dr.(Ms.) D.V. Jayathilake

57 Ms.Prabashani P.L.C. PGIA-2012-392 MBA Determinants of clerical staff performance Dr.S. Kumar

58 Ms.Jayasundara N.C.Y. PGIA-2012-407 M.Phill. 2020 Assessment of agronomic feasibility of jatropha under mid country wet zone conditions in Sri Lanka Prof.D.K.N.G. Pushpakumara
Dr.L.W. Galagedara

59 Ms.Perera A.C.S. PGIA-2012-408 M.Phill. 2015 Impact of climate variability on water availability and paddy productivity in the "Hakwatuna Oya" irrigation scheme in Sri Lanka Prof.E.R.N. Gunawardena
Dr.B.V.R. Punyawardane

60 Ms.Pelpitiya I.P.S.K. PGIA-2012-409 M.Phill. 2016 Impact of Land Use/ Land Cover Changes on Ecosystem and Food Security in Hakwatuna Oya Watershed in Deduru Oya Basin Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa
Dr.L.W. Galagedara

61 Mr.Diyawadana D.M.N. PGIA-2012-414 M.Phill. 2017 Impact of climate change and policy environment on rural smallholder farmers in Hakwatuna-oya scheme in Sri Lanka Dr.S. Pathmarajah
Prof.E.R.N. Gunawardena

62 Ms.Gowthamy P. PGIA-2012-413 M.Phill. 2016 Characterization and classification of major soils in northern region of Sri Lanka for land use planning and environmental application Prof. R.B.Mapa
Dr.Nalina Gnanavelragah

63 Ms.Senevirathna H.M.S.I. PGIA-2012-412 M.Phill. 2020 Tagging genes associated with yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV) resistance in wild okra species Abelmoschus angulosus Dr.S.K.Wasala
Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath

64 Ms.Nawarathna R.N. PGIA-2012-421 M.Phill. Analysis of the geretic diversity of eating and cooking qualities of representative germplasm of rice in sri lanka Dr.(Ms.) H.A.M. Wickramasinghe

65 Ms.Somaweera K.A.T.N. PGIA-2012-422 Ph.D. Investiyation of plasticity of rice plants under phosporus as potassium and water limited low land-rice systems Prof.L.D.B. Suriyagoda

66 Ms.Attanayake S.R.M.R. PGIA-2012-425 Ph.D. 2018 "Molecular and biochemical analysis of Sri Lankan pomegrante (punica granatum L.) at different maturity stages and grown under different environmental conditions" Prof.P.C.K.G. Bandaranayake

67 Ms.Warnasooriya W.M.R.S.K. PGIA-2012-423 M.Phill. 2016 Growth performance and Carbon accumulation of KHAYA (Khaya senegalensis) plantation in Anuradhapura and Kurunegala forest divisions of Sri Lanka Prof.T. Sivananthawerl

71 Ms.Jayawadana N.W.I.A. PGIA-2012-428 M.Phill. 2017 Association between lifestyle patterns and non-communicable disease risk factors in a cohort of males in the central province of Sri Lanka Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith

72 Ms.Hettiarchchi S.M.J. PGIA-2012-429 M.Phill. Removel of colloids & heavy metals in Landfill leachate using Locally available natural Coagulant:strychnos Potatorum Seed Dr.S.C.S.Kalpage
Prof.Rohan Weerasooriya

73 Ms.Fernando T.T. PGIA-2012-430 Ph.D. Applicability of Remote Sensing and GIS in Real Estate Managment to Develop a land valuation information Systems Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa

74 Ms.Marasinghe J.P. 2014-6 Ph.D. 2023 Insecticide resistance of whiteflies and aphids from different geographical locations of Sri Lanka: Underlying mechanisms of resistance, genotype variations and possible controlefforts Prof.S.H.P.P.Karunaratna

76 Ms.Wadugedara E.W.I.M. 2014-204 Ph.D. 2019 Influence of age stereotypes on management decision making among university executive officers Dr.R. Yusoof

77 Mr.De Silva P.G.J.C. 2014-344 MBA 2017 Analysis of impact of cost efficiency and technical efficiency on broiler value chain Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

78 Mr. Wijesinghe W.M.J.B. 2014-335 MBA 2018 An empirical study of consumers" perceived risk on consumption of chicken meat and its effect on intention to purchase: A case study in central province Dr.P.M. Korale Gedara

80 Mr.Siriwardhana S.M.C.P 2014-265 M.Phill. 2018 Construction of composite vegetable price index by using modified factor analysis

81 Mr.Herath H.M.G.B. 2014-256 MBA 2019 Adoption of good agricultural practices by tea smallholders in Nuwara Eliya district, Sri Lanka Prof.H.L.J. Weerahewa

82 Mr.Pathirana P.S. 2014-247 M.Sc. 2016 Estimation of Carbon stock of Knuckles Conservation area using Optical Remote Sensing Data Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa

83 Mr.Bulumulla P.M.U.S.B. 2014-218 MBA 2019 Nature of Conflicts between workers and managers in semi-skilled manufacturing sector Dr.S. Kumar

84 Mr.Perera W.P.N.N. 2014-35 M.Sc. 2016 Investigation of the suitability of micro propagated Dracaena sanderiyana planting material for commercial cultivation Prof.(Ms.) A.J. Mohotti

85 Mr.Ihshan M.A.M 2014-452 M.Phill. 2017 Effect of endocrine disrupting fungicide "Mancozeb" (Zinc and manganese salt of ethylene -bis-dithiocarbamate) on endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation. Dr.S.P. Kodithuwakku

88 Ms.Weerasinghe W.D.P. 2014-4 M.Phill. 2019 Improvement of LD 99-12-38 High Yielding rice line for Bacterial leaf blight resistance through backcross breeding and validation by molecular markers. Dr.(Ms.) D.V. Jayathilake
Dr.K.S. Udawela

89 Mr.Meegoda M.M.S.P.K. 2014-421 MBA Perspectives and Challenges for sustainable production of protected cultivation to fulfill export vegetable demand Dr.(Ms) D. Hemachandra

90 Ms.Bandara M.M.K. 2014-104 M.Phill. 2019 Study of the genetic background and related gene expression of drought tolerance in selected Sri Lankan traditional rice varieties
Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath

91 Mr.Munasinghe S.T. 2014-2 M.Phill. 2019 A Systematic evaluation of fertility and productivity of maize growing soil in the dry zone of Sri Lanka amended using rice husk and corn cob biochar Prof.R.S. Dharmakeerthi
Dr.P. Weerasinghe

92 Ms.Wekumbura W.G.C. 2014-458 M.Phill. 2017 Impact of soil fertility improvement strategies on annual crop cultivation in mid country homegarden systems in Aluthgama village, Nawalapitiya, Sri Lanka. Prof.U.R. Sangakkara
Prof.(Ms.) A.J. Mohotti

93 Mr.Rajeevan R. 2014-178 M.Phill. 2019 Effect of introducing Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Giant freshwater prawn) to perennial reservoirs in Northern Province, Sri Lanka Prof.A.R.S.B Athauda
Prof.Udeni Edirisinghe

94 Mr.Jayathilaka W.G.N. 2014-291 MBA Improving Job satisfaction of nursing professionals through efficient information management Dr.Kamalanath Samarakoon

95 Mr.Subasinghe S.A.T.C. 2014-370 MBA 2018 Factors effecting the choice of finance company for a finance lease Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

96 Ms.Herath E.M. 2014-290 M.Phill. 2017 Investigating the effect of poultry manure application on antibiotic resistance of bacteria in intensively cultivated soils Prof.(Ms.) W.S. Dandeniya

97 Ms.Nawarathna P.H.G.T.D. 2014-306 MBA 2019 The relationship between perceived organizational politics and job performance of teachers in government national schools in Matale district Dr.S. Kumar

99 Ms.Jayasinghe J.M.R.T. 2014-415 MBA Succession in family business Dr.M.W.A.P Jayathilaka.

100 Mr.Kumara G.M.P. 2014-433 M.Phill. 2016 Identification and assesment of technical and Socio-Economic aspect in cultivating other field crops (OFC) in Bayawa minor Irrigation System Prof.M.I.M.Mowjood
Dr.L.W. Galagedara

101 Mr.Jayathilake W.M.S.H.B 2014-286 MBA dddddddd Mr.T. Sayandhan
Dr.S. Kumar

102 Mr.Sobana Thinesh T. 2014-351 MBA The relationship between strategic planning and business performance: A study of manufacturing small and medium sized enterprises in Batticalao District Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

104 Ms.Jayathilaka D.S.M.I.T 2014-309 MBA 2019 Effect of elements in supply chain to satisfy customers Dr.(Ms) D. Hemachandra

105 Ms.Rajany Y. 2014-352 MBA 2019 Study on the determinants of loan repayment of micro credit borrowers Dr.(Ms) D. Hemachandra

107 Ms.Gunasekara A.D.S. 2014-165 M.Phill. Analysis of employ ability of diploma holders in technical education and vocational training sector in Sri Lanka Dr.H.V.A. Wickramasuriya

108 Mr.Upendra M.I. 2014-241 MBA 2019 Factors affecting yield and quality of tobacco crop-develop a tool to assist managerial decision making Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

109 Ms.Kappagoda K.G.M.N.K.K. 2014-416 MBA 2019 The impact of internal audit on public sector organizations Dr.M.V. Senanayake

111 Mr.Wijekoon W.M.D.K.B. 2014-349 MBA A study on existing recourse planning practices in construction industry of Sri Lanka Dr.Parakrama Weligamage

112 Ms.Jayasiri M.M.J.G.C.N. 2014-41 M.Phill. 2017 Assessment of environmental flow requirement in downstream of Daduru Oya reservoir for sustainability of the ecosystem Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa

113 Ms.Kuruppu M. 2014-345 M.Phill. 2019 Management of root disease of jak trees (Artocarpus heterophyllus) through integrated approach Prof.D.M. De Costa
Dr.T.H.P.S. Fernando

114 Ms.Jayamanne J.M.D.D.E. 2014-341 M.Phill. 2019 Evaluation of Growth, development and yield parameters of selected commercial varieties of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) in contrasting agro- ecological regions of Sri Lanka Prof.N.A.A.S.P.Nissanka
Dr.H. Fonseka

116 Mr.Chamara H.K.B.S. PGIA-2012-431 Ph.D. 2019 Improved weed management and crop establishment methods for rice genotypes capable of germinating under anaerobic conditions in direct-seeded rice production systems Prof.P.W.M.B.B. Marambe
Dr.Virender Kumar

117 Mr.Fawaz N.M. 2014-310 MBA 2019 Factors influencing the mobile telecommunication industry revenue of urban and rural youth in Sri Lanka Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

118 Mr.Bandara K.K.G.J. 2014-323 MBA 2019 A study of factors contributing to the success of businesses in selected ecotourism sites Dr.Parakrama Weligamage

119 Mr.Ratnayake U.A.J. 2014-5 Ph.D. Management of climate, soil related problems of acid sulphate soil in paddy ecosystem of the lower stream of the Nilwala river basin Prof.W.A.U. Vitharana

120 Mr.Thanthirige C.S. 2014-414 MBA 2019 Retention and productivity of sewing machine operators: Case of a leading apparel manufacturer in Sri Lanka Dr.S. Kumar

121 Ms.Senanayake R.M.N.H. 2014-282 M.Phill. 2019 Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of selected recommended rice varieties for salinity tolerance Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath

122 Ms.Kaluarachchi C.P.S. 2014-391 MBA 2018 Influence of herzberg s hygine factors on leading voluntary job turnover decision path selection: A study on fresh engineering graduates of university of Peradeniya Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

123 Mr.Kannangara K.N. 2014-9 Ph.D. 2020 Inter-specific hybridization between Capsicum annuum L. and other Capsicum spp. (Capsicum chinense Jacq. and Capsicum frutescens L.) for introgression of virus resistance Prof.I.P.Wickramasinghe
Prof.D.K.N.G. Pushpakumara

124 Mr.Balasuriya B.M.S. 2014-297 MBA 2019 Analysis of service quality: A case of Ceylon Electricity Board, Badulla Dr.Sarath S. Kodithuwakku

126 Mr.Ekanayake. E.W.M.C.B 2014-287 MBA How technology and adaptation of ergonomic techniques impacts on labor productivity in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka Mr.N. Agilan

127 Ms.bulathkandage M 2014-381 Ph.D. 2021 Study on improving fruit set, postharvest life, development of harvesting indices and evaluation of bioactivity of selected accessions of Annona Muricate L. grown in Sri Lanka Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith
Prof.(Ms.) J.P. Eeswara

128 Ms.Uduwella U K S M 2014-179 MBA 2018 Impact of glass ceiling factors on women career development in non state banking sector Dr.M.W.A.P Jayathilaka.

129 Mr.Riham M.R.M 2014-177 MBA 2018 Factors affecting the academic achievement of management undergraduates (with special reference to non state higher educational institutes) Dr.S. Kumar

130 Mr.Peiris M.W.U.C 2014-373 MBA 2018 Factors affecting the sluggish growth in mutual funds in Sri Lanka Dr.M.V. Senanayake

131 Ms.Karunanayake I 2014-197 MBA 2019 Job satisfaction in banking: A comparative study of private and public sector banks Dr.S. Kumar

132 Ms.Geethanjalie K.A.K 2014-285 MBA 2019 Practices to reduce the vacuum leaks of processed animal products Dr.P.M. Korale Gedara

133 Ms.Chanchala. K.M.G. 2014-401 Ph.D. 2021 The plant vector relationship between sugarcane plant and vector of sugarcane white leaf disease (WLD), Deltocephalus menoni (HEMIPTERA: CICADELLIDAE) to identify criteria for varietal evaluation Prof.K.S. Hemachandra

134 Ms.Saumyarathna N.G.R. 2014-431 M.Phill. 2019 Water access, allocation, productivity and conflicts in Hakwatuna oya sub watershed in Deduru oya basin Prof.E.R.N. Gunawardena
Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa

135 Ms.Jeyaseelan T.C. 2014-422 Ph.D. 2020 Molecular characterization of begomoviruses infecting okra varieties grown in different location in Sri Lanka and development of effective and eco-friendly approaches for its management Prof.D.M. De Costa
Dr.B.M.V.S. Basnayaka

136 Ms.Kirinde G.W.R.W.M.R.M.W.K. 2014-430 M.Phill. 2019 Investigation on relationship between water regime and ecosystem in paddy cultivation; A case study in Bayawa minor irrigation systems in Deduruoya river basin Prof.M.I.M.Mowjood
Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa

137 Mr.Amunugama R.W.M.K.G.D.N. 2014-428 MBA 2019 Factors affecting the business success of SMEs in poultry industry: The case of Kandy district, Sri Lanka Dr.Parakrama Weligamage

138 Mr.Piyasundara J.H.N. 2014-454 Ph.D. 2020 Study on flowering and fruiting phenology, and floral biology of the parental cultivars of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) seed gardens in Sri Lanka Prof.I.P.Wickramasinghe
Dr.M.A. Wijerathne

Dr.S.A.C.N. Perera
141 Ms.Amarasena P.G.D.S. 2014-446 Ph.D. 2019 A comparative polyphasic study on variations of morphological, molecular, reproductive fitness and pathogenicity of Pratylenchus loosi populations owing to changing soil temperatures in tea plantations of Sri Lanka Dr.K. Mohotti
Prof.D.M. De Costa

144 Mr.Weerasinhe H.A.S. 2014-467 Ph.D. 2022 Development of fertiliser recommendation for major sugarcane growing alfisols in Sevanagala, Sri Lanka with reference to soil phosphorus and potassium availability Prof.A.N. Jayakody
Dr.L.G. Gunarathna

146 Mr.Ranaweera K.K.T.N. 2015-265 M.Phill. 2020 Effect of dietary supplementation on production performance of lactating dairy cows fed with total mixed rations (TMRs) Mr.M.P.B. Mahipala
Dr.W.M.P.B. Weerasinghe

147 Ms.Kulasinghe W.M.A.A. 2015-48 M.Phill. 2020 Evaluation and Comparison of the nutritional composition of selected traditional cereals, pulses and yams grown in Sri Lanka Prof.(Ms.) K.M.S. Wimalasiri
Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith

152 Mr.Rajendran M. 2015-65 M.Phill. 2017 Application of hydrological models to determine strategies for water allocation to different users: A study from Hakwatuna oya irrigation scheme in Sri Lanka Prof.E.R.N. Gunawardena
Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa

153 Ms.Abhayagunasekara A.V.C. 2014-470 Ph.D. 2024 Assessing the genetic resources of an endemic wild species of Rice, Oryza rhizomatis Vaughan, for drought and brown plant hoppper (BPH) resistance in rice Dr.P.G.C. Bandaranayake

154 Ms.Illangakoon I.W.M.I.W.T.K. 2014-468 Ph.D. 2020 Exploiting anaerobic germination tolerance of rice (oryza sativa L.) as an option for suppressing weeds and enhancing growth and yield of direct seeded rice Prof.P.W.M.B.B. Marambe
Dr.R.S.K. Keerthisena

155 Ms.Kekulandara D.S. 2014-465 Ph.D. 2022 Evaluation of selected Sri Lankan rice varieties for phosphorus (P) uptake and use efficiency, identification of the presence of PUP1 QTL and development of P deficiency tolerant rice varieties through DNA marker assisted selection Prof.L.D.B. Suriyagoda

156 Ms.Dissanayaka D.M.B.G.A.I.K. 2015-148 M.Sc. 2022 Evaluation of agro-morphological , nutritional, and drought related traits of wild relatives, cultivated types and F1 hybrids of eggplant (solanum melongena L.) of diverse origin Dr.H. Fonseka
Dr.R.M. fonseka

159 Ms.Sarujaa S. 2015-255 Ph.D. 2020 Micropropagation and production of agarwood fragrance compounds by plant cell cultures of Gyrinops walla Prof.(Ms.) J.P. Eeswara
Prof.D.K.N.G. Pushpakumara

160 Ms.Wijekoon W.M.S.M. 2015-285 M.Phill. 2018 Role of governance and institutional arrangement in strengthening resilience to shocks and stresses to livelihoods in minor irrigation systems Prof.E.R.N. Gunawardena
Dr.MMM Aheeyar

161 Mr.Pradeep G.S. 2015-371 M.Sc. 2019 Impact of extension methodologies on the technology adoption level through changing the individual perception level of various management categories of upcountry corporate Tea estates Prof.W.A.D.P. Wanigasundera

162 Mr.Gangurde S.V. 2015-326 Ph.D. Exploring transgenic and hybrid pigeon pea yields under varied soil and climatic conditions

165 Ms.Rajapaksha R.M.H.V. 2015-135 M.Phill. Assessment of Agriculture Sector Performance in Sri Lanka (1980-2015) Prof.D.V.P. Prasada
Dr.Madar Samad

166 Ms.Ashani A. 2015-242 M.Phill. 2020 A baseline survey of coral reefs and genetic diversity analysis of selected coral species in Jaffna peninsula and its major island, Sri Lanka Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath
Prof.S. Kuganathan

168 Ms.Samarakoon S.M.L.D. 2015-286 M.Phill. 2020 Social and livelihood impacts of Deduru Oya dam construction and water diversion Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa
Prof.E.R.N. Gunawardena

169 Ms.Nadeeshani V.H.H. 2015-54 M.Phill. 2018 Evaluation of the Nutritional valua of selected fruits and vegetables grown in Sri Lanka. Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith
Prof.(Ms.) K.M.S. Wimalasiri

170 Ms.Sudarshani R. 2015-330 M.Phill. 2020 Application of sustainable livelihood framework for water interventions to improve livelihood status of the paddy farmers in bayawa tank cascade in Sri Lanka Dr.S. Pathmarajah

172 Ms.Koralegedara K.G.I.D. 2015-166 M.Phill. 2019 Investigation of the recent changes in paddy cultivation in terms of food quality and ecosystem sustainability Prof.M.I.M.Mowjood
Dr.A.K. Karunarathne

174 Ms.Sarmini N. 2015-193 M.Phill. 2018 Effect of palmyrah leaves (Borassus flabellifer) on ensiling characteristics, nutritive value, digestibility and intake of corn (Zea mays) or hybrid sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) silages Prof.S. Premaratne

175 Mr.Rahularaj R. 2015-185 M.Phill. 2020 Identification of prevalence, pathogens, and risk factors of sub-clinical mastitis and development of an enzyme based early detection method for sub-clinical mastitis in crossbred cows of Sri Lanka Prof.R.M.C. Deshapriya
Prof.J.K. Vidanarachchi

178 Ms.Ariyawansa B.D.S.K. 2015-44 Ph.D. Development of statistical yield forecasting model based on climatic factors case of sugarcane Prof.N.R. Abeynayake
Prof.T. Sivananthawerl

179 Ms.Priyadarshani T.D.C. 2015-279 M.Phill. 2019 Biological control of bean aphid, Aphis craccivora (Koch) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) using locally available predatory coccinellid species (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) through augmentation and release
Mr.H.N.P. Wijayagunasekara

180 Ms.Abeysekara A.B. 2015-365 M.Phill. Combined effect of El-nino southern and indian ocean dipole phenomena on the rainfall regime of Sri Lanka Dr.B.V.R. Punyawardane

181 Mr.Nagalla I.M.A.D. 2015-374 M.Phill. 2017 Functional and comparative genomics of grain number, plant height and Heading date 7 (Ghd7) in Sri Lankan rice varieties and its role in conferring abiotic stress tolerance Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath

183 Mr.M.C.B Wasala W. 2015-377 Ph.D. 2025 Extension of the postharvest longevity of Ambul Banana through application of 1-Methylcyclopropane (1-MCP) Prof.C.K. Beneragama
Prof.D.G. Kapila Kumara

185 Ms.Nawarathna K.K.K. 2015-389 M.Phill. 2021 Developing botanical nitrification inhibitors to improve nitrogen nutrition of selected vegetable crops Prof.(Ms.) W.S. Dandeniya
Prof.R.S. Dharmakeerthi

186 Ms.Herath H.M.A.J. 2015-390 M.Phill. Potential bioactivities of phenolic compounds of cereal legume based diets prepared after submitting to different processing condition Dr.G.A.P. Chandrasekara.
Prof.D.G.N.G. Wijesinghe

187 Ms.Pathmanathan J. 16006 M.Phill. Evaluation of Urban Home Gardeners in the "Nagarayata Uyanwathu" Development Program in Kandy District Dr.H.V.A. Wickramasuriya
Dr.M.W.A.P Jayathilaka.

189 Ms.Kumari W.M.R. 16216 Ph.D. 2023 Analysis of genetic diversity and screening for blast disease resistance and moisture stresstolerance of finger milet ( Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) germplasm to identify genetic resources for varietal improvement for dryland farming in Sri Lanka Prof.D.K.N.G. Pushpakumara
Dr.W.M.W. Weerakoon

192 Ms.Kolongahapitiya K.H.M.A.R. 2015-394 Ph.D. Exploring entrepreneurial marketing in SMEs: A study of the tourism industry Dr.Sarath S. Kodithuwakku
Prof.D.V.P. Prasada

193 Mr.Kosgollegedara E.J. 16120 M.Phill. 2022 Design, Fabrication, and Performance Evaluation of a rotary drum abrasion peeling machine for Spheroidal fruits and vegetables Prof.D.A.N. Dharmasena
Dr.D.N. Jayatissa

195 Ms.Abeysekara M.G.D. 16127 M.Phill. 2022 Essays on the economics of the coconut sector in Sri Lanka Prof.D.V.P. Prasada
Dr.E. Pathiraja

197 Ms.Weerawardena W.M.S. 16062 M.Phill. 2020 Design and Implementation of mathematically controlled trough withering to optimize electrical energy consumption in withering of tea leaves Dr.K.S.P. Amaratunga
Dr.W.S. Botheju

198 Ms.Vithana K.V.A.I.K. 16148 M.Phill. Diversity of wax scale species (Ceroplastes spp.) associated with plants and their parasitoids in different climate zones of Sri Lanka Prof.K.S. Hemachandra
Dr.U.G.A.I. Sirisena

200 Mr.Pottawela D.P.W. 16343 M.Phill. Information seeking behavior and usage of ICTs by extension personnel of the sugar sector in Sri Lanka Dr.H.V.A. Wickramasuriya
Dr.Uvasara Dissanayake

201 Mr.Alupotha K.N. 16036 M.Sc. 2019 Behavior of the crude oil price and its related factors in world market in relation to different global economic condition Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

204 Ms.Athauda A.D.D.C. 16071 M.Phill. 2022 Association between household food security status and overnutrition in early adolescence in Colombo city Prof.D.G.N.G. Wijesinghe
Dr.G.A.P. Chandrasekara.

207 Mr.Premarathne N.M.K.C. 16320 M.Phill. 2023 Assessing the economic value of existing climate information by Sri Lankan paddy farmers Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne
Prof.Athula Senaratne

208 Ms.Ranaweera P.H. 16332 M.Phill. 2019 Development of a diversity and bionomics guided management system for melon fruit flies (diptera:Tephrifidae) in Sri Lanka Prof.L.Nugaliyadda
Prof.K.S. Hemachandra

210 Mr.Nishantha K.M.D.W.P. 16313 Ph.D. 2024 Studies on Identification , Soil Ecology, Varietal Resistance and Biological Control for the Management of Meloidogyne spp. on Tomato(Solanum Lycopersicum) in Sri Lanka Dr.M. M. Nugaliyadde

212 Ms.Seneviratne R.A.C.H. 16167 M.Sc. 2020 Development of a Rice Fortification Technique Using Vacuum Assisted Rapid Diffusion for Low Cost Encapsulation of Fe and Zn Prof.R.P.N.P. Rajapaksha
Prof.D.A.N. Dharmasena

215 Mr.Dharmasena N.B.Y.K. 16344 MBA 2021 Analysis of investment choices and the profitability of private sector commercial banks Prof.D.V.P. Prasada

217 Ms.Erabadupitiya H.R.U.T. 16292 Ph.D. 2022 Identification of growth stage specific nitrogen and potassium ranges for tomato grown in soilless culture under greenhouse conditions Prof.W.A.P. Weerakkody
Prof.K.A. Nandasena

221 Mr.Kaushan M.U. 16342 MBA The impact of training programs for the employee retention in government insurance companies, with special reference to Sri Lanka insurance corporation Ltd Dr.K.L. Chandratileke
Dr.Sarath S. Kodithuwakku

222 Ms.Deshabandu K.H.S.T. 16402 M.Phill. Characterization of physiological and morphological traits yield performance and their interrelationship in chilli accessions under drought stress Prof.W.A.J.M.De.Costa
Dr.W.M.W. Weerakoon

223 Ms.Prince E.D.J. 16328 M.Phill. 2020 Monitoring floating aquatic plants and algae distribution and assessment of biomass in Batticaloa lagoon using remote sensing and GIS Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa
Prof.R.P. De Silva

224 Mr.Jayasinghe W.H. 16350 M.Phill. DNA barcoding to complement morphological identification of mosquito species in Sri Lanka Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath
Prof.K.S. Hemachandra

226 Mr.De Silva S.T.S. 16381 Ph.D. An approaching tool for development initiatives Prof.R.P. De Silva
Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa

227 Ms.Hettiarachchi K.R. 16401 M.Phill. 2022 Applicability of clay brick and laterite brick as environmental friendly and effective adsorbents to treat cadmium (II) and lead (II) in aqueous solution Prof.M.I.M.Mowjood
Dr.Shiromi Dissanayake

229 Ms.Kumari H.M.P.S. 17001 Ph.D. 2023 Development of rust resistant bean lines by incooperating resistant genes form locally available and introduced germplasm Prof.P.C.K.G. Bandaranayake
Dr.Cholani Weebedda

230 Mr.Perera N.A.R.J. 17212 M.Sc. 2021 Energy efficiency analysis of irrigated wetland paddy production in Ampara district (Eastern province of Sri Lanka) Dr.A.K. Karunarathne
Prof.B.F.A. Basnayake

246 Mr.Dissanayaka S.P. 17052 M.Phill. 2022 Agricultural sustainability and technical efficiency in ensuring household food security in small scale paddy cattle integrated farming systems in Anuradhapura district Sri Lanka Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne
Prof.T. Sivananthawerl

250 Ms.Mathivathani S. 17123 M.Phill. Novel approach to improve the omega 6: Omega 3 fatty acid ratio in egg and broiler chicken meat Dr.S.M.C. Himali
Prof.J.K. Vidanarachchi

252 Mr.Sandaruwan K.P.G.L. 17128 M.Sc. 2021 The impact of non tariff measures on seafood exports from Sri Lanka Prof.H.L.J. Weerahewa
Dr.Senal Weerasooriya

254 Ms.Upekshani H.A.N. 17198 Ph.D. 2024 Assessing soil quality in two contrasting vegetable growing systems in Sri Lanka and effectiveness of poultry litter biochar for soil quality improvements Prof.R.S. Dharmakeerthi
Dr.P. Weerasinghe

255 Ms.Fernando W.M.D.R. 17189 M.Sc. 2021 Three way analysis methods to detect panel disconsensus in tea sensory evaluation Prof.S.Samita
Dr.T.U.S. Peiris

256 Ms.Amarathunge S.M. 17265 M.Sc. 2021 Botanical and economic analysis of selected Salacia species in lowland wet zone in Sri Lanka Prof.D.K.N.G. Pushpakumara
Prof.L.H.P. Gunaratne

257 Ms.Maathumai S. 17291 M.Sc. 2023 Development of meat tenderiser using Bryophyllum pinnatum Leaf Extract and its comparison with commercially available meat tenderiser papain and bromelain Mr.P.C. Arampath
Prof.R. Kapilan

258 Mr.P.J.N. Warnasekara Y. 18102 M.Sc. 2022 SARIMA and ARDL models for predicting Leptospirosis in Anuradhapura district Sri Lanka Prof.N.R. Abeynayake
Prof.S. Samitha

259 Ms.Wickramapathirana H.A.G.H.D. 17323 Ph.D. A study of entrepreneurial processes adopted by micro women business operators across different ethnicities in different residential sectors Dr.Sarath S. Kodithuwakku
Dr.S. Kumar

260 Ms.Amarawansa R.P.U.I. 17274 M.Phill. 2020 Development of a cyanobacteria based inoculant to formulate biofertilizer for paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka Dr.(Ms.) B.L.W.K Balasooriya
Prof.(Ms.) W.S. Dandeniya

262 Dr.(Ms)Senaratne U.T.N. 17304 M.Sc. Climate based time series model for the prediction of Dengue incidence in Sri Lanka Prof.N.R. Abeynayake
Prof.Faseeha Noordeen

263 Ms.Thiviya P. 17320 M.Sc. 2021 Single cell protein production from local fruit wastes Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith
Prof.R. Kapilan

264 Ms.Bernard D. 17294 M.Sc. 2022 Characterizing the probiotic properties of microorganisms isolated in idli batter and their effects on batter during fermentaion Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith
Dr.J. Nimalan

265 Ms.De Silva D.W.L.U. 17314 M.Sc. 2021 Selection of the best fitted model to determine the fish trade performance of Sri Lanka Prof.N.R. Abeynayake
Prof.L.F.D.Z. Gunathilaka

267 Ms.Wickramaarachchi W.W.U.I. 17295 M.Sc. 2022 Modelling trends, shifts and fitting probability distributions to monthly rainfall of Eastern & North Western Provinces in Sri Lanka Prof.S.Samita
Dr.T.U.S. Peiris

269 Ms.Dissanayake D.M.L.N.K. 17310 M.Sc. 2019 Molecular characterization of Sri Lankan rice germplasm for Xa21 and Xa13 genes conferring resistance against bacterial leaf blight Dr.(Ms.) D.V. Jayathilake
Dr.H.M.V.G. Herath

271 Ms.Weerasinghe P.R. 18020 M.Sc. 2021 Molecular and morphological investigation on the occurrence of weak palms in tall coconuts ( cocos nucifera L.) in Sri Lanka Dr.S.A.C.N. Perera
Dr.H.D.M.A.C. Dissanayake

272 Mr.Ranaweera K.G.K. 18001 Ph.D. 2023 Development of economically viable rapid in vitro plant production programme for new cultivars of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) Dr.Mahasen Ranatunga
Prof.(Ms.) J.P. Eeswara

277 Mr.Ratnayake R. M.G.H.N. 18253 MBA 2022 A study of factors influencing the behavioural intention of using mobile banking Dr.Sarath S. Kodithuwakku

282 Ms.Karunarathna H.G.M.K. 18057 M.Phill. 2023 Multiplication of Madhuca longifolia (MME) and Manikara hexandra (PALU), By Plant Tissue Culture Methods Prof.(Ms.) J.P. Eeswara
Prof.M.C.M. Iqbal

284 Ms.Kodikara A.G.K.S. 18235 M.Phill. Baseline concentrations, solubility and spatial variability of potential toxic trace elements in, soils in Up and Mid Country wet zone in Sri Lanka Dr.A.M.C.P.K. Attanayake
Prof.W.A.U. Vitharana

285 Ms.Tharangani H.D.A. 18393-PDN M.Phill. 2025 Determination of possible succession during pathogenesis and molecular identification of the causal organism/s of cinnamon rough bark disease (RBD) Prof.D.M. De Costa
Dr.G.G. Jayasinghe

287 Ms.Hemachandra E.M.G.P. 18179 M.Sc. 2022 Sustainability of Horivila Palugaswewa cascade system: An index based assessment Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa
Prof.R.P. De Silva

290 Ms.Kaushalya D.B.R. 18377-PDN M.Sc. 2024 Establishment of liquid culture system to enhance growth and secondary metabolites synthesis of Gyrinops walla Prof.(Ms.) J.P. Eeswara
Prof.Lalith Jayasinghe

291 Mr.Bandara A.G.A. 18262 M.Sc. 2024 Physicoshemical properties cooking characteristics and moisture adsorption kinetics of basmathi type rice(Oryza satica L.) varieties cultivated in Sri Lanka differing in amylose content Dr.B.D.R. Prasantha
Dr.Jayantha Senanayake

292 Mr.Mohammathu M.M.M. 18012 M.Sc. 2022 Assessing the market power of rice milling industry in Sri Lanka An application of neio approach Prof.H.L.J. Weerahewa
Dr.Senal Weerasooriya

295 Ms.Kowshayini P. 18267 M.Sc. 2024 Assessment of the status of ecological components and spatial soil loss of the Palugaswewa tank cascade System Dr.S. Pathmarajah
Dr.H.B. Nayakakorala

296 Mr.Bandusekara B.S. 18310 Ph.D. 2023 Morphological molecular and biochemical profiling and antimicrobial activity of Cinnamomum species in Sri Lanka Prof.P.C.K.G. Bandaranayake

298 Ms.Hettiarachchi H.A.S.N. 18326 M.Sc. Assessment of the impact of diamond back mouth management strategies in integrated programme on cabbage in Up country of Sri Lanka Prof.K.S. Hemachandra
Dr.U.G.A.I. Sirisena

299 Ms.Fernando B.H.R. 18245 M.Sc. Development of an integrated guideline for micro irrigation for coconut plantation of Sri Lanka Prof.M.I.M.Mowjood
Dr.S. Pathmarajah

300 Ms.Dilini M.M.G.S. 18237 M.Sc. 2023 Effectiveness of climate change adaptation strategies in dry zone farming systems (A comparative study in Horiwila-Palugaswewa and sivalakulama cascades Prof.E.R.N. Gunawardena
Dr.S. Pathmarajah

303 Ms.Senadheera S.D.N.M. 19290-PDN M.Sc. 2024 Vulnerability of other field Crop(OFC) farmers in major and minor irrigation systems to agricultural risk induced by rainfall variability. Prof.N.D.K. Dayawansa
Prof.R.P. De Silva

307 Mr.Wijesundara W.M.C.S. 18340 Ph.D. 2022 Species replacement of white-eyes (Passeriformes:Zosteropidae) along an altitudinal gradient Prof.G.L.L.P. Silva
Dr.S. Yatigammana

310 Ms.Fernando A.J. 18379-PDN Ph.D. 2022 Optimization of heat pump drying by real-time control of air flow through cascade evaporators and parallel flow condensers Dr.K.S.P. Amaratunga
Prof.D.A.N. Dharmasena

311 Mr.Mahindapala K.G.J.P. 18410-PDN Ph.D. 2023 Enigma of collective action of tea smallholders organizations: Key factors contributing to the efficacy of tea smallholding development societies in Sri Lanka Dr.M.W.A.P Jayathilaka.
Dr.L.N.A.C. Jayawardena

312 Ms.De Mel M.P.M. 18400-PDN M.Sc. Gender Evaluation of ICT Initiatives in Agriculture Dr.W. Jayathilake
Dr.Uvasara Dissanayake

313 Ms.Sahibzada S. 18371-PDN Ph.D. 2023 Processed Food Trade in South Asia: An analysis of patterns, potential and barriers Prof.H.L.J. Weerahewa
Dr.(Ms) D. Hemachandra

316 Ms.Sanjeewani H.K.N. 18399-PDN Ph.D. 2023 Variation of standing biomass, vegetation structure and species diversity in Sri Lankan tropical rainforests along an altitudinal gradients Prof.W.A.J.M.De.Costa
Dr.Sampath Wahala

319 Ms.Madavi W.M.D. 19149-PDN M.Phill. 2022 Understanding the system productivity during the transition period from conventional to organic nutrient management systems under diverse rice based crop rotations in the dry zone (DL1B) of SriLanka Dr.Chaminda Egodawatta

320 Mr.Sanjeewa T.A.B.D. 19001-PDN Ph.D. In-field weed dynamics of Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) in North Central Province in relation to Herbicide Use Prof.P.W.M.B.B. Marambe
Prof.L.D.B. Suriyagoda

327 Ms.Gunarathne K.M.R.U. 19059-PDN M.Phill. 2023 Bioactivity studies and prebiotic characteristics of coconut testa flour of selected Sri Lankan coconut cultivers Dr.J.M.N. Marikkar
Prof.(Ms.) B.E.P. Mendis

328 Ms.Senevirathne N.S.L. 19002-PDN M.Phill. Benefit Evaluation of Living Boundary Fences in Sri Lanka: Current Staturs and Prospects for Sustainability Dr.Parakrama Weligamage
Dr.R.H.G Ranil

332 Ms.Jayarathna M.K.N.W. 19296-PDN M.Phill. 2024 Ammonia volatilization in a rice growing entisol following addition of rice husk biochar under two moisture regimes Prof.R.S. Dharmakeerthi
Dr.A.D. Igalavithana

344 Mr.Lowe W.A.M. 19330-PDN M.Phill. 2024 Comparative analysis of climate resilient biodiversity and resilience indicators of homegarden ecosystems in different agro ecological regions in Sri Lanka Prof.D.K.N.G. Pushpakumara
Prof.G.L.L.P. Silva

345 Ms.Ranasinghe R.D.A.K. 19325-PDN M.Sc. 2023 Climate change adaptation and adaptive capacities of dairy farmers in dry zone cascade systems in Sri Lanka; A case study in Siwalakulama and Thirappane cascade systems Dr.P.M. Korale Gedara
Dr.S.A. Weerasooriya

346 Ms.Dayananda M.D.T. 19343-PDN M.Phill. 2023 Resource use efficiency and environmental sustainability in dry zone of Sri Lanka: An Assessment using a Bio-Economic model in Mahakanumulla village tank cascade systems Prof.H.L.J. Weerahewa
Dr.Senal Weerasooriya

348 Ms.Sobini N. 19411-CMB M.Sc. 2023 Development and characterization of active biodegradable packaging film from Palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer L.) tuber starch Mr.P.C. Arampath
Dr.B. Anuluxshy

Prof.Azharul Karim

391 Ms.Kuruppuarachchi K.A.N.L. 20508-PDN M.Phill. 2024 Modelling of homegardens functions to identify resilient variables for sustainability of the system Prof.L.D.B. Suriyagoda
Prof.D.K.N.G. Pushpakumara

397 Ms.Dilhani E.V.D. 17316 M.Sc. 2023 How strong is the linkage between tourism and economic growth in Sri Lanka: Evidence from 1971-2020 Prof.N.R. Abeynayake

398 Mr.Ranasinghe R.S.L.B. 18173 MBA 2025 Exploring attributes of consumer behavior: A Study in the perspective of consumer law Prof.D.V.P. Prasada

405 Ms.Wijesinghe W.A.D.S.K. 18404-CMB M.Sc. 2023 Analysis of waiting time for the first employment of the graduates from art and commerce streams in Sri Lanka: Parametric and semi parametric survival approaches Prof.S. Samitha

415 Ms.Edirisooriya A.A. 19376-PDN M.Sc. 2024 Development of rice bran oil incorporated functional margarine and assessing its physico-chemical and sensory properties

422 Mr.Dissanayake D.G.H.M.K 20154-PDN M.Sc. Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Coffee Genetic Resources for Future Crop Improvement. Dr.S.A.C.N. Perera
Prof.(Ms.) A.J. Mohotti

427 Ms.Senanayaka J.K. 20118-PDN M.Sc. Development of Novel coffee product using different fermentation techniques Mr.P.C. Arampath
Prof.Nilantha Liyanage

433 Mr.Thilakarathne M.G.O.S. 22356-PDN M.Sc. Mo Dr.S.A.C.N. Perera
Dr.H.D.M.A.C. Dissanayake

434 Mr.Thilakarathne M.G.O.S. 22356-PDN M.Sc. Morphological,Molecular and Biochemical characterization of King Coconut Cocos nucifera L. var. Aurantica Dr.S.A.C.N. Perera
Dr.H.D.M.A.C. Dissanayake

440 Mr.Chanaka R.N 19490-CMB M.Sc. Maternal dietary diversity during pregnancy and Prof.K.D.R. Silva
Dr.Ananda. Chandrasekara

442 Ms.Mohamed Fariz M.F.F 20487-PDN M.Sc. Bioactivities of oil and defatted residues of black and white seeds of sesame (sesamum indicum L.) Prof. W.M.T. Madhujith
Prof.(Ms.) B.E.P. Mendis

445 Ms.Fazna M.R.F 22038-PDN M.Sc. Exploring the Prevalence of Sarcopenia and Its Associated Risk factors in the Elderly population residing in the polonnaruwa District of Sri Lanka Dr.Geeshani Somaratne
Dr.Sriyani Padmalatha

459 Mr.Marasinghe B.S. 22328-PDN Ph.D. Potential etiological factors governing spatial patterns of the prevalence of chronic kidney disease of uncertain aetiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka Prof.W.A.U. Vitharana
Prof.R. Chandrajith

462 Ms.Rathnasena R.M.I.S 22272-PDN M.Sc. Evaluation of the potential use of Plasma Circulating cell-free Mitochondrial DNA (ccfmtDNA)Content and Integrity as a Potential Non-invasive Biomarker for Breast Cancer Screening in Sri Lanka. Prof.Gayani Galhena
Dr.S.A.C.N. Perera

464 Ms.JAYASINGHE J.P.C.V.T. 22368-PDN M.Sc. enhancing social media usage for disseminating information about low GI carbohydrate based food among working women in Sri Lanka Dr.Geeshani Somaratne
Mr.Dimuthu Gunasekara

469 Ms.Thanuja S. 22415-CMB M.Sc. Development of protein - Enriched palmyrah (Borassus Flabellifer) Tuber Flour Based Biscuit and Physicochemnical analysis Mr.P.C. Arampath
Ms.Kirushanthi Arunraj

472 Ms.Jananey B 22517-PDN M.Phill. Quantification of nitrogen use efficiency and biomass under organic and conventional tea cultuvation systems in Upcountry and Uva with special reference to soil health. Prof.(Ms.) A.J. Mohotti
Prof.Emmanuel Frossard

480 Ms.Bandara M.M.L.I.W. 23048-PDN M.Sc. Ex-situ conservation of endemic and endangered Exacum walkeri Arn. ex Griseb species and introduce to Floriculture industry Dr.A.M.A.S. attanayake
Prof.(Ms.) J.P. Eeswara

481 Ms.Dissanayake D.M.K.S. 23207-PDN M.Phill. Effect of double coat microencapsulation on viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus in dairy products Prof.J.K. Vidanarachchi
Dr.Deshani C. Mudannayake

482 Ms.Ranathunga R.L.N. 23101-PDN M.Sc. Comparative analysis of endophytic fungal profiles in healthy and dieback-affected Syzygium rotundifolium in Horton Plains, Sri Lanka. Prof.D.M. De Costa
Dr.U.M. Aruna Kumara

484 Ms.Bandara R.M.B.A. 23095-PDN M.Phill. Agronomic biofortification of lettuce with iron and zinc through nutrient management techniques and its implications on nutritional quality of the harvest. Dr.D.M.S.B. Dissanayake
Prof.(Ms.) J.P. Eeswara

489 Mr.Rienzie K.D.R.C. 24229-PDN M.Phill. DNA-nanoclay-polymer-based nanocomposites as topically applied immune activators for controlling bean yellowing disease caused by Horsegram yellow mosaic virus (HgYMV) Prof.D.M. De Costa
Prof.Shilpi Sharma

493 Mr.Preethiwardhana H.J 24207-PDN Ph.D. Impact of short-Term structured diet plans on glycemic control and cardiometabolic outcomes in Type 2 diabetic patients Dr.Ananda. Chandrasekara

494 Ms.Piumini L.G 24211-PDN M.Phill. Heavy metal levels in raw eggs in western province, Sri Lanka Prof.J.K. Vidanarachchi